Exterior Wall Insulation
Insulation is often one of the most overlooked aspects of a house but is potentially the most crucial. Insulation is what helps keep the heat out in the summer yet keeps it in during the winter months. Many people forget about it or take it for granted, perhaps it is something to do with the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ However, it is not something to be taken for granted and with winter fast approaching now is the best time to get your MA home insulated properly.
Without proper insulation, you could be losing up to 80% of your heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer – think of that in terms of money, up to 80% of your heating bill could be wasted! The main purpose of good insulation is to create a barrier between the external world and the interior of your home. Exterior walls make up the largest portion of your home which is connected to the outside world, and therefore one of the most important places to ge Exterior wall insulation cross section[/caption]
Insulating is a quick and straightforward process, however, it is one that should be completed by an experienced insulator, using the correct tools. Exterior walls are usually filled with spray foam insulation due to the ease of which it can be installed. This spray foam will seal any cracks and voids throughout your house, making sure that air isn’t getting out or getting in unnecessarily. This type of insulation will also help to create a more consistent temperature within your home, without the need for air condition or central heating.
Getting proper insulation around any problem areas is especially important to consider. Problem areas can include air ducts and vents, windows, and doors. Because these parts of the house are designed to let air in or out, contractors don’t always fully insulate these areas which are fundamental mistakes. Even though these parts of the house are designed to let the outside in, it doesn’t mean the area around them shouldn’t be properly insulated. In fact, because these areas are already fairly exposed to the elements, the insulation around them should be even better. Make sure you look for a qualified insulator who can do an assessment of your house and decide what kind of insulation you will need.
getting in during the summer. Much like an insulated drink container that can keep hot and cold beverages at optimum temperature.

Insulation vs. Air Barriers
When you are talking about materials used to create your home, you may hear the terms “air barrier” and “insulation” without fully understanding either of these terms. These are two things that are vastly different from each other, meaning that understanding what they mean is important to ensuring that your home is as energy efficient as possible. Here, you are going to learn all about both of these options so you can make an informed decision on which products are used in your home.
Insulation typically refers to what is known as continuous insulation, where there are layers of insulation that continue throughout the rest of the building. These are here to cover structural things like the framing. It will cover the highly conductive areas, which will prevent a direct short circuit from the outside through to the other side of the structure. The insulation is what is responsible for allowing the energy to transfer through the building as well as inside and outside of the building. Reducing the energy transfer between the empty space. Good insulation is responsible for controlling the moisture, heat, and air to increase the energy efficiency of the building. There are different types of insulation out there, so you should do your research to figure out which one will best meet your needs.
An air barrier is something that will restrict the air flow around the building and its foundation. Because they limit the air exfiltration and filtration, air barriers are able to minimize the energy loss that you will experience. These can control the air quality inside of the building and the temperature to ensure that it is energy efficient. These can also be referred to as “air and water vapor resistant barriers”. This refers to the fact that these barriers can also limit the moisture that migrates in and out of the wall. If there is too much moisture within a structure, this can cause a whole slew of problems

Air barriers are generally created from a variety of different materials. These materials can include insulating and non-insulating board stock, self-adhered membranes, and fluid-applied materials along with a mechanically-fastened building wrap. There are very strict air permeance requirements for good air barriers. These barriers are installed by continuously wrapping these items around a structure, which creates an air-resistant and protective membrane. Air barriers are sometimes used in the foundation, but they will primarily be used in the walls and the roofs.
Each of these items has their own purposes in the construction world. An expert installer of insulation can let you know which of these options best meets your individual needs for your building. There is a lot of things to consider, so speaking to a professional is going to give you the answers and advice that you need to make such an important decision. Often times, these two concepts are something that many people outside of the industry confuse. However, problems can arise in the home if you use the wrong option.

Basement Insulation
It really does not matter if you have a finished basement or not, insulation is something that you absolutely want in your basement. There are quite a few reasons as to why this is important, no matter how you use this space. If you do not already have an insulated basement, this is something that you should consider doing as soon as possible. Through this article, you will learn just how important basement insulation really is for your home and why it is such a wise investment.
You first should understand just why you need basement insulation in your home. One reason for this is because it can help with moisture problems that can easily arise in these types of spaces. If left to get worse, moisture in the basement can cause mold and mildew issues that not only have a strong odor but can also potentially lead to some health issues. An insulated basement is also very important to ensure that the living areas above the basement are dry and comfortable. The temperature control in a basement that is insulated is much better, which can be crucial in cutting the energy costs for your home.
There are several things that you need to consider if you are going to insulate your basement. First of all, you need to decide on where you are going to insulate the space. You can install insulation on the ceilings as well as on the interior or exterior of your basement walls. Each of these options has their own benefits. Exterior insulation can use fewer materials when compared to interior insulation but it is often a more expensive option. This is because there are additional precautions that are necessary, including something like a drainage system. The benefit with this type of installation is that it is highly effective for reducing the amount of heat that gets lost through the foundation. It can also protect the foundation from stability problems that can occur due to temperature changes. The type of installation that you use will often depend on the specific needs of your home as well as the type of basement you have (finished or unfinished). There are also budget considerations that you will need to look at to decide which option is going to be the best one for you. Materials that are frequently used for basement installations include fiberglass, bubble foil, sprayed foam, and foam board.
If you are considering adding insulation to your basement, hiring a professional to handle this task for you will be your best investment. They can work with you to decide which option is going to work best for your budget and your particular needs. The professional can let you know which products are going to work best and discuss with you the differences between the interior and exterior insulation. Together, you will create a plan that will offer you the best benefits from insulation. Having all of the information to make an informed decision is crucial. It may be cheaper to do a project like this on your own, but it may not be the best idea if you do not know what you are doing. Call or email today!